Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Beginnings of Hope for the US Healthcare System?

This story documents what I believe is the start of a long, long journey for the US towards the sort of Universal Health Care Coverage that its citizens need and deserve.

I would never say that the UK NHS and welfare system is perfect but the stories I read on here, and see on US TV programmes like Extreme Makeover Home Edition make it patently obvious to the outsider that the US system lets huge numbers of people get into dire straits very easily, usually through no fault of their own.

So I hope after all the in-fighting, dis-information battles, horse-trading, fear-mongering about the evils of 'Socialiased' medicine (Shock horror - get over yourself America, Socialism is not a dirty word, just an ideology that large parts of the world seem to manage to make work just fine thanks), that this process will allow the US to move beyond this system that only serves to line the pockets of the healthcare industry rather than serve its patients.

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