Tuesday, May 26, 2009

David Cameron's 'Revolution' and What the People Need to See

As the BBC story puts it, how revolutionary are Cameron's proposals?


And what would a 'sensible party' propose as reform for the UK Parliamentary system?

Never mind TXT alerts, publish and subscribe a la twitter for your MP/MEP/devolved MP should be the order of the day. The progress of bills is focussing on the wrong thing, what we need to see now is just what our elected representative is up to - if they are attending parliamentary sittings, are they voting and how did they vote, are they proposing motions and bills? 

If, as expected, the tightening of the expenses system results in higher pay for representatives, they'll be needing to justify that they are earning their keep in short order, lest the faith of the voting public be further eroded.

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