Saturday, December 05, 2009

LDN Now Group Petitions and Meets with The Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Commitee on Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Availability on the NHS in Scotland

The meeting is available on vide here (Window Media file) -

(Click the 01/12/2009 link and forward to 39 minutes in)
This video extract will be available on shortly.

The first minute of the meeting is available here -

Some key quotes (Paraphrased)

Robin Harper, (Scottish Green Party) - Basis for clinical trial exists with current LDN evidence. Suggest GPs gather clinical data on LDN use.

Anne McLaughlin (SNP) - Committee needs to write to charities to ask if they will help fund trials.

Nigel Don (SNP) - LDN is a drug that treats the immune system drug and clinical trials are required for all conditions it can be shown to treat.

John Wilson (SNP) - Health charities should be encouraged to ensure they are spending money on researching all options for their patients, including LDN.

Frank McAveety (Labour) - The issue that the private sector will not fund trials due to no profit motive is clear and is noted.

A full transcript will be available on 8th December,

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