Saturday, February 07, 2004

Corporate Public Responsibility - Tax

Interesting short article from, as ever, The Guardian
Obscene stuff - Companies are getting away with murder. As a small business person I find this even more galling. These companies have huge resources to spend on accountants to avoid paying their dues, yet the government seem to concern themselves more with chasing piffiling amounts from people who earn less than the executives of these companies get as a car allowance. Not good enough. I feel there will never be fairness here unless there is a concerted mulit-lateral strategy across the G7 nations to make companies pay their dues. Otherwise they will always find an off-shore solution that suits them.

I'd like to see companies forced to display / report how much tax they paid on their profits and their full executive compensation packages, their web-site would be a good place. Then we could see which companies were bankrupt, morally that is....

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