Sunday, April 29, 2012

Will Hutton on Osborne and Cameron

The only thing wrong with this in my view, is the misattribution of incompetence rather than malice. I think Osborne and Cameron know exactly what they are doing, they are not surprised but what has happened, they are blinded by the their own ideology and lust to dismantle everything public that Labour have built up. They are just gambling that the core 'me me me' people who generally support the Tories in the good times will feel better off by the end of their conveniently fixed term parliament and vote them in again.

The only good thing about what is happening is that I think the public are finally disbelieving the weasel words this mob have been trotting out for the past 2 years now, so they will have to find a new narrative to replace 'the mess that Labour left us', 'difficult decisions' etc.