Friday, October 22, 2004

UK Management and Productivity

This one touched a nerve with me :

It's easy, especially as a cynical, non-employee, IT geek, to just
slag off management and blame managers for everything but this
article seems to bear this view out with respect to the productivity

Personally I think there are a couple of reasons why we are in this
mess :

One such reason why this is such a problem in the UK versus the US is
the albatross we carry round our necks which we call "The Class
System". We defer less than we used to to the "high heid yin's" but
we still have this "them and us" bull and associated inferiority /
superiority complex. I dare say this goes on in the US too but I
doubt it's quite as much of a problem.

Management in the UK is too centered around finance and accountancy.
I can't quote it here but I've read elsewhere that there is some
astonishingly high ratio of accountants in the UK versus the US. This
in turns means more conservative (With a small 'c') decisions are
made and less innovation and input from non-management / non-finance
employees. The obsession with costs also makes investment a very low
priority in the UK, especially with respect to training.

Finally, much as I like to bash the US, I do get the impression that
US employees do invest more of their own time and money in improving
their skills than we do in the UK. Can't blame managers for that,
though maybe I could blame them for not motivating us enough?

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