Tuesday, November 11, 2003

U.S. loses WTO steel appeal
Interesting stuff.

Yeah, Recyle, Reuse, Repair.
Thats what the sensible party should stand for!

The thing I was thinking about was this.
We import all this cheaper steel or cheaper coal etc etc; this maybe good for us in the end.
Thinking in a selfish way:
we are using other countries finite natural resources and leaving ours intact for future generations.
So is this a good thing I would think.

Plastics, I dont like them but they are definetly useful. Light and strong and you cant go wrong.

repairing broken things.
Turns out it my Nokia- cost 150 quid, made god knows where - a piece of junk- it is cheaper buying a new phone than to get this one fixed. I liek the wee phone, but this particular model was always duff... they just churn out crap like some software companies do... punt it; patch it after.

Which is why I bought a petrol hungry anti-environment lightweight landrover...
yeah it is cheaper buying a new car, but you cant fix anything on a new car. .except, perhaps, 'go faster stickers'
This laDy you can fix everything!.... basically because everything on it NEEDS fixed... hehe

there are no easy answers:
the sensible party should support
recylcling, reuse and repairing!

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